Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Edge of Awareness

A canvas of accidental beauty can be found in the most unexpected places. I took this photograph in New York while eating lunch in the Village. This canvas was just to the left of me and for some reason it called itself to my mind's eye.

The shapes, colors and accidental composition relayed memories of Europe, of walking in orange fields with the intoxicating fragrance of orange blossoms in the air and the promise of delicious, juicy fruit.

I look at it now, in the middle of the night, in Monterey and I am drawn to the Edge that the basket of oranges is leaning against, allowing it the space for my Awareness to contemplate in.

The Edge. It creates a distance. An impostor of going forward and not looking back. It is the emotional strangulation of coming to age with all the fears, guilt, self loathing. It flies in one swell swoop between my solar plexus and throat forcing a deafening silence of a wing's motion into place.

The Edge. It pushes the cerebral being of one into a dark closet, not only locking the door but stuffing any logic that has gathered over time into the size of a keyhole. The only connection to reality is the expected order to step off into the abyss of a never land where a sense of surrender will invite the reticent guest of well being.

The Edge. It marks my horizon and rears its one way order to step off and take the plunge into the unknown. A plunge that realizes a safety net of spiritual tools, unseen but gathered over time. As birds gather threads, scattered hair, small paper, and sticks to create upon their wings a feather for each day of living nestled into a flight where the unknown meets the familiar.

The Space for this Awareness expands and pushes one's cerebral logic through the door, kicking down any fear and somehow, once again, allows the Edge to disappear into fertile fields of dreams.

A lovely bright sunny day in the Village, sharing a delicious lunch with two friends, my camera's eye captured by a basket of oranges leaning against an edge and I am reminded that all I have to do is feel myself transparent so nothing pushes itself against me, keeping me away from the miracles of life, but most of all allowing myself to surrender and take the plunge over The Edge.

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